"The STM8 series MCU has been around for 10 years. In the past, we talked more about STM32 and 32-bit MCU, but in fact, the shipment of STM8 is also very large, which is also an important product line in our MCU field. Arnaud Bonnet, vice President for microcontroller and digital IC in asia-pacific and online marketing for STM8, spoke at a recent ceremony for the 10th anniversary of the launch.
So far, STM8 has shipped more than 4 billion chips in 10 years, which is close to STM32's shipments in the past decade. "" in the past we talked more about STM32, but STM8 is also very important for ST. "Stressed Arnaud.
Arnaud attributes the success of ST in the MCU field in the past decade to two key words, namely, product and capacity. In the following paper, Arnaud, together with Patrice Hamard, product manager of stmicrocontroller market in stmicrocontroller China, and cao jindong, director of market and application of stmicrocontroller business in stmicrocontroller China, jointly explain the success of MCU.
From left, Patrice Hamard, product manager for microcontroller market at stmicroelectronics, Arnaud Bonnet, vp of digital and online marketing at stmicrocontroller Asia Pacific and stmicroelectronics China.